Many of us suspected that the tech giants were funneling our private information directly to government agencies & third parties. However, there have been numerous news reports after the Edward Snowden revelations confirming this as fact.
What can you do to protect your privacy? Well, a variety of things but in this article I’m going to show you several privacy-centric browsers you can choose from.
These browsers implement features out of the box that prevent the bad guys from getting your private data.
Brave Browser

Brave Browser is likely the most popular privacy browser in this list. It’s based on Chromium (Chrome) but with a plethora of features built in to stop advertisements and tracking. Brave even has the option to open a new tab that connects through the Tor network to make you anonymous on the web.
Epic Browser

Epic Browser maximizes your anonymity in a number of ways. However, in general it tries to remove the possibility of privacy mistakes away from the user. It offers always-on private browser, and only allows plugins known to respect your privacy.
Dissenter Browser

Dissenter browser is based on Brave with only a handful of difference. One of those differences is the Dissenter plugin is built in, which allows you to comment on any page on the internet.