Do you want to find out what type of flower is growing in your yard? What other user accounts someone has based on their avatar? Well, reverse image searching is your way of finding out that information.
Here are best image search engines currently available:
This site is an aggregation for multiple reverse image search engines. By uploading you image you can search through Google, Yandex, Reddit, etc. After you run your search just open up the provided links.
Google Image Search
Google’s image search is probably the most well known but in my opinion it isn’t the best. I’m rarely able to find similar images that I’m looking for. Maybe you’ll have better luck than me though.
Yandex Image Search
Yandex is a Russian based search engine but it has the best reverse image search. Many of the results will be in the Russian language but I’ve had the most success out of any resource on this list on finding the results I was looking for.
Karma Decay
If you want to do a reverse search for images on Reddit, Karma Decay offers a tool to do just that. It’s in beta and I’ve never been able to find a single image using the service but hopefully it will improve as time goes on.
Baidu / / Sogou
All three of these are Chinese search engines. Personally, I’ve never used them because I don’t speak Chinese but if you do feel free to give them a try.